An Online Resource Guide to Shopping with Confidence
With the world of commerce at our fingertips it is hard to know how our purchases impact the environment. Buy Sustainable is here to help!
Hemp waste...where does it go?
Cannabis and Hemp products are taking the nation by storm now that these plants have been legalized for recreational use in 17 states. But a lot of demand requires just as much supply - which means a LOT of agricultural waste.
Hemp’s Past, Present, and Future
In 1764, Frenchman M. Marcandier wrote A Treatise on Hemp. In Two Parts. The author recounts hemp’s history and its uses among the ancients and presents various methods of growing and utilizing it.
Un-discarded Beauty
The sustainable-consumer generation is here to stay. A recent 2018 survey found that almost half of consumers in the US, and 75% of millennials, favor products from companies with a low environmental impact.
The Harbingers of “New Luxury”
Luxury may seem effervescent – its definition has certainly changed over time. But one thing luxury has always been synonymous with is quality: the texture, the durability, the knowledge that you’re getting what you’re paying for.
Carbon footprints are going negative. How can you get onboard?
It seems like every time we open our news tabs, we see another story about a company reducing its carbon footprint: Microsoft going carbon negative by 2030, Stripe announcing that they are now carbon neutral, Google going carbon free by 2030.